Privacy Policy | Daimatu Inc.

Personal Data Protection Policy

Daimatu Inc. (hereinafter referred to as “the company”) considers it a significant responsibility to manage personal data carefully.
The company will pay sufficient attention to the following items and will ensure to manage personal data appropriately.

  1. 1.The company will comply with laws, guidelines established by the government regarding personal data, and other internal and external standards.
  2. 2.While the company’s main business is the manufacturing and sale of shoes, we will appropriately identify the purpose of use considering the nature and scale of such business. When acquiring personal data, we will do so through lawful and fair means after indicating the purpose of use.
  3. 3.The company will use the acquired personal data within the necessary scope for the specified purpose and take appropriate measures to prevent unauthorized use.
    However, in cases where it is deemed necessary for purposes other than those specified (except where lawful exceptions under relevant laws and regulations apply), we will use personal data for such purposes with the consent of the individual concerned.
  4. 4.Except where lawful exceptions under relevant laws and regulations apply, the company will not provide personal data to third parties without the consent of the individual concerned.
  5. 5.The company will strive to prevent leakage, loss, or damage of personal data and implement necessary and appropriate security measures.
  6. 6.In the event of a request for notification, disclosure, correction, or suspension of use regarding personal data held by the company, the company will respond appropriately and promptly.
  7. 7.In cases where complaints or consultations regarding the handling of personal data are received, the company will respond appropriately and promptly.

Enquiries regarding the Personal Data Protection Policy,can be made via the following form.

Daimatu Inc.