Sustainability | Daimatu Inc.

The Manufacturing Process

The use of fossil fuels cannot be totally eliminated under current shoe manufacturing processes. Furthermore, in the tanning process, a variety of chemicals are used to increase the strength and texture of the leather. In an effort to break the cycle, we are committed to sustainable operations through the manufacture of long-lasting footwear, the use of recycled materials and the use of plant-derived vegetable tanning as alternatives to the use of chemicals.

code of conduct

Daimatu has established a Code of Conduct and guidelines to share important ideas and values about our corporate activities.

Daimatu’s Code Of Conduct (PDF)

Specific Sustainability Initiatives

  • Use of recycled materials

    Recycled materials are used in soles, fabrics, thread and tags.

  • Reuse of waste materials

    All materials lost in the moulding process and shredded and fully returned into the system.

  • Installation of solar panels

    In order to reduce the use of fossil fuels as much as possible, we have installed solar panels on our head office building and Shizuoka factory. Currently, approximately 30% of our electricity consumption is provided by solar panels.